Thursday, October 21, 2010

Starting with a pedometer

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A pedometer, pedometer, or can improve your health and general well-being, help you lose weight and may even live longer. So what is a pedometer? This is a small electronic device (a gadget) that you wear on the strap. As you walk, count your steps.To technically correct me clarify. A pedometer measures distance actually traveled. A pedometer counts steps only. Today pedometer steps yet, but it also uses a user-friendly pitch of inputlength to calculate that distance.

Sophisticated step counter also calculates the calories you burned, time spent in exercise every day, steps per minute, and if you can reach the levels of aerobics, etc. If you are just starting to go for fitness, you do not need much more than a decent $ 20 or thereabouts pedometer.

So why even want to count your steps? Well, the steps that are a primary indicator of the activities that are committed every day. Research and studies in the last ten years have shownYou do not need a specific time for the performance of small episodes of exercise may have the effect of assigning the same. For example, take a short walk in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Nice? I thought it was so! Some small changes in daily routine and your simple little step in conflict with your progress, health have a huge positive impact on your own.

With more steps a day to increase your daily activity and metabolism. You burn more calories. TheirThe muscles to move.

But there's more ....

Exercise also increases strength, promotes weight loss reduces blood cholesterol levels lowers blood pressure, improves mood and your self-image and improve the quality of life. Really. Try for a week - three short walks a day, every day and evaluate how you feel at the end of a week. Note that it takes 7 weeks to get your new habit a part of your life so if you feel better (and I know it will), then stay on the ball6 more weeks to follow.

Here's what else you notice ...

You will sleep better, strengthen the heart and lungs, increase your energy and you will be the ability to deal with increased stress. They will also reduce triglyceride levels and better control of blood sugar / diabetes naturally.

There are more benefits for the year that I'm sure you already know me. The point is that a new routine, a step toward the gym, it does not cost a fortune to fill orTheir evenings and weekends. Start with just a 10 minute walk a couple of times a day and your life has improved. Evaluate at the end of the week and if you feel strongly about, add more time for each foot or increase the speed and intensity of your walks. Measuring progress and take your steps in your personal pedometer if you have one.

Here is your strength, your health and long life!

See Also : Outlet Sale Cheap Bouncehouse Freedom Boat Sales Omron Pedometer reviews