Friday, October 14, 2011

Promotional Items Are Great Marketing Tools


Whether it's a hat, T-shirt or bobble-head doll - promotional items are great marketing tools. But companies tend to write these off as a waste of precious funds. This is exactly the wrong thing to do. A constant reminder of a company on something as simple as a pen is brilliant advertising that is a sure-fire way to get a company more business.

It is proven that this sort of advertising works in both the short term and the long term. think about it - seeing that Joe's Office store pen on your desk for six months might sway you mugZ2V0IGF3YXk=#">away from your local Super Office Stuff store. With promotional items, it's all about planting the seed.

As much as I would like to think I am immune to this sort of advertising, I'm sadly mistaken. If someone is giving mugZ2V0IGF3YXk=#">away free stuff, I'm the first one in line. But surely, I do not fall prey to their shameless ploys at my money with mechanical pencils and reusable stickers, right? Wrong.

This form of advertising works, and we are all living proof of that. For example, if you were to go throughout your house and count how many promotional products you can find, I'm sure the number would surprise you. Sitting at my desk right now, I count five magnets (one shaped like an air balloon), seven pens, two pencils, something that looks like a bookmark (but could also pass as a letter opener), and a pedometer.

That's just in one room - and I didn't even have to change positions in my seat.

As I look a bit closer at some of these, specifically the hot pink pencil I received from a local state senator vying for re-election, a couple of thoughts come to mind. One: am I registered to vote with my new address? Two: where does she stand on these outrageous food prices and what is her plan to fix it?

My next stop? Her website. Mission accomplished.

My point is this: promotional items are great marketing tools. Yet, companies tend to sway mugZ2V0IGF3YXk=#">away from this form of advertising, which is something I just do not understand. A box of pencils branded with a company slogan on it certainly will not put too much of a dent in the marketing department's budget - even in this tight economy. Maybe those corporate heads' next stop should be the printing store.

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