Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tips for more exercise


Being active is good for all of us, but it is especially important for people with diabetes. Physical activity, combined with a healthy diet and a diabetes drug that might take, will help you manage diabetes and prevent long-term complications of diabetes.

Make an exercise plan - plan for your physical activity as any other appointment during the day. Not during the breaks to change your plans. Remember what I said before, if youExercise after work, we always try to be ready to work, which allows you to spread sportswear with you so you can be ready to start immediately. Close to belong to a gym, your work can also be a good tool to promote the most you will visit regularly.

Make the most of your journey - on foot or bicycle to work. If traveling by bus, get off a few stops before and walk the rest of the trip. Remember to wear suitable footwear, you can change your shoes in your workoffice.

Despite the benefits the body when it is active not see visible changes immediately. After a few weeks the benefits will be noticed more.

Gradually increase the time spent, the activities of a few minutes every few days or so until you can comfortably a minimum amount of activity recommended.

Strive to complete tasks that you choose from week to week. However, it isimportant to remember that there are still times when other pressing needs take precedence over these activities. If you find that you have not completed your goals for a particular week, we take a look back at the week and all the obstacles that prevented you from. Problem-solving obstacles as side-step the next time you have.

Find an activity you like and you are more likely to hold. Better yet, try an entireEnjoy your family or friends.

Maintain a comfortable pair of shoes or car or office. They are ready for action wherever you go!

Remember to include your daily activities and looking for ways to be active during the day. For example, use the stairs instead of the escalator, walk to the village shop, instead of the car and get up to watch television programs or commercials, and some routes. Every little counts!

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