Saturday, June 25, 2011

How to Care for your weight and after losing


You have your weight a few pounds after sweating and struggling on a treadmill every day. He has sacrificed so much, your time with the family, the delicious dinner in the restaurant, and a liter larger in a pub. No doubt, you should be proud of themselves.

Normally it is for many people, after the initial success of weight loss, back to our old habits. So you can stuff your gym to jump, you go to some calls to your friends ride, your refrigerator full of ready mealssaturated fat and you feel relaxed and down to watch TV for long hours, rather than the active lifestyle.

After some time, begin to notice some changes in your clothes, pretty, sexy, red dress (size 8) for your birthday was two months, ever closer, jeans that were just perfect zipped only if you are dragging the deep stomach feels a comment or friend who you would prefer a healthy-looking face and a little 'round.

At thistime must be honest with yourself - you gain the weight back.

You want to panic, but there is no need. Is there an easy way to lose weight, to get after it. There are 10-point simple guide note for you:

1 small meals regularly to help your body to achieve good blood sugar levels. This stops the cravings.

2 Drink plenty of water (8 glasses a day). This helps the body and greatly reducedthe urge to eat.

3 Replace soda with water. Fizzy drinks contain large amounts of sugar and I do not want you to know that the juice of fresh lime or lemon, add water.

4 Keep track how much alcohol is consumed in a week, since this contributes to calories. Drink only occasionally.

5 Try five fruits and vegetables recommended for a day. This will provide you with fiber and vitamins.

6 Reduce fried foods and look for alternativesCook the same food (such as the oven, steaming).

7 Do not binge on things like chocolate and sweets. They carry a lot of unhealthy fats and sugar. Give yourself a small reward once a week.

8 check your purchasing habits. The junk food you have in your kitchen at least, easier not to give in to temptation.

9 Maintain a good exercise program. You have to keep moving, to keep in good shape. Get a pedometer and see how many stepsMake every day. If you want to try to walk at least 10,000 steps a day, 5-6 times a week to get to stick.

10 Use the stairs instead of elevators that carry your purchases with both hands, feet rather than taking a car for short trips, etc. These little things all the difference in the long run.

Remember, for small changes to your eating habits and physical activity routine, you can keep some great strides in your efforts, your weight after losing it.

Thanks To : Motorized scooter Inflatable bounce houses