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Once you have purchased a digital pedometer, you would probably need to start your goals for the planning exercise. But before you begin, you should ask yourself what are your training goals? You exercise for good health? Increase your fitness level? Or to lose weight? Different exercise goals, you can set your goals differently. Here are some simple steps you follow to your goal to work effectively.
Step 1: Find your level of activityBaseline
Everyone has their own daily activities and health. Before you set your goal, you need to know what its current basis for your business. should start to wear your pedometer as a "normal" days and find out, the current number of steps per day taken yours. This will be your base. On average, a person takes 3000-4000 steps per day.
Step 2: Improve your daily goal modest and gradual
The ideal destination for a normal person is10,000 steps a day. 10,000 points is almost walking about 5 miles in the distance. It is not recommended, however, this was the first goal in a short period because you are not sure that your health condition and the individual is able to" title="hand">handle it. Once you figure out your baseline, increase your daily goal modestly and gradually.
For example, if the number of steps per day 3,500, you should score of 5000, after several weeks to create, follows with 7,500, then 10,000 andbeyond.
Step 3: Use a pedometer to measure your progress
Get a pedometer to measure your progress. If you are a beginner to one, you must use a program for you as one. If your goal is to exercise to lose weight, you use the calorie calculator to keep track of calories burned from your daily diet, with the plan.
Before beginning any exercise program or increase your steps per day, make sure that your healthCondition is able to manage. Ask your doctor if necessary.
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