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If you want to lose an extra pound or more each week, start by measuring the number of steps you take each day.
A pedometer is small and easy to wear. It will measure your steps (and open your eyes). Get one and wear it for a week to determine the number of steps you actually take in any given work day. For the average person, about 2000 steps equals a mile and burns between 100 to 120 calories. Then dust off that treadmill you've been hanging laundry on (I know--that's how mine was used for several years) and start walking an extra 2-3 miles per day; or if weather permits, go for a real walk.
We hear a lot about the recommended 10,000 steps per day and that's a good rule of thumb to follow. For me, walking a comfortable 2.8 to 3 mph burns 120 calories and I can cover three miles in the time it takes to watch "The Dr's" on TV. Burning off this extra 360 calories per day will help you drop a pound every 10 days. Bump this up to 4 or 5 miles per day and you will be losing an additional pound per week. Combined with the elimination of 500 excess calories per day and you're at 2 pounds per week. (It takes 3500 calories, either burned or not eaten, to loose a pound). Don't ignore your mental, spiritual and emotional well being. It's critical to maintaining your focus.
Because of a leg injury, I was not able to use the treadmill until I had lost 60 pounds. That's why I began to use nightly visualization techniques along with a dialogue with God to speed up my progress and get me to the point where I could add weight bearing exercise. It made a huge difference in my success detailed step-by-step instructions on how to do this are included in the book, "Thinking Skinny."