Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Elliptical Workout Vs Treadmill Workout - Find Out If the Elliptical Or Treadmill is Better For You

Image : http://www.flickr.com

While very similar the the treadmill workout the elliptical workout is unique in a variety of ways. It is true that each machine will give you a great aerobic workout but the elliptical trainer will give your muscles a slightly different workout then the treadmill will.

Even though they both give you great workouts there are characteristics that each machine has that you may or may not like or benefit from. By learning about the differences each machine has you can make up your own mind which piece of equipment is right for you

The Elliptical Machine Workout

When you are trying to decide between the elliptical workout and the treadmill workout you should be aware that the elliptical is very low impact compared to the treadmill workout.

This is great for older people or people who are rehabilitating sore or damaged muscles or other parts of their bodies. It also allows people with conditions like arthritis to enjoy a workout when they normally could not.

The elliptical workout also gives you the added benefit of allowing you to work your upper body at the same time as you work the lower body. This will give you a much more efficient and productive exercise period.

Combine this with the fact that you can also run in reverse, and adjust the stride length of the machine the elliptical workout really gives you a great total body exercise session.

The Treadmill Workout

The treadmill workout can also give you a very good exercise session and aerobic workout. In fact many people who run competitively or for run for distance prefer it over the elliptical workout.

The treadmill workout is also great for people just starting out in their exercise program because you can actually get and easier low intensity workout with the treadmill then you can with an elliptical trainer.

One thing the treadmill workout can offer you is the ability to target your muscles differently by running on an incline. While still not as intense as a total body workout it will increase the ability to burn fat and increase your heart rate.

Elliptical Workout Vs Treadmill Workout

While they both offer unique exercise situations either one will do a great job of getting you in shape and helping you stay fit. And the best way to decide what one you like the best is to actually try them both out. You may find that incorporating both the elliptical workout and the treadmill workout into your fitness program will give you the best results in the shortest amount of time.

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