Part of my job is to help people start and stay active. The problem is that many do not know how to get started. They want to know what is the "best way" of the movement, they want to know to practice the "best time of day," and tell them that I want, what and when.
The fact is that I do not think that the best way and time to exercise. There is simply no "one size fits all". I know there are articles on exercise, your body may change the composition or the best time of day to"Burn fat" or "muscle" or "calories consumed." But the reality is there are no guarantees on any of these complaints. No coach or personal reputation in sports medicine makes this unjust and unrealistic demands.
At the end you must decide what you enjoy doing? When you have time to do it? If you have a display indicating that you have an hour six times a week to lose weight, run, see, but you despise running really think you are to stay with this exercise?Want to really get going to punish your body to run, run if you hate?
Perhaps the magazine said the best time to train in the morning is the day 7-9. But what if you're at work? Or simply can not get out of bed to go jogging in a weekend (when frankly I hate to start jogging?).
My advice? Decide which best suits activities, and does so if you can make time. But most of all, you need something, you get to enjoy, so you do notThey feel tortured, while doing so. I mean, how many times you want to feel tormented?
search for a time during the day for this activity. Perhaps only time during lunch at work or maybe you can find three slots of ten minutes to go a day. Whatever it is, as long as you're doing something you want, and you have time to do it, you're correct.
When I was in graduate school, I actually used to run four times a week around the golf course. II'm pretty sure I felt the peer pressure of all my colleagues healthy diet. Now I'm older, my knees pain, and I learned that I love to walk. I bought a pedometer wonderful that port every day, and go. Guess what? Now I'm one of those who go around the parking lot until the further steps, and sometimes (please do not tell my husband), I walk back and forth across the floor to the other 100 steps before I go to bed.
But I found aactivity I like, I have a wonderful little pedometer that gives me this immediate feedback I seem to crave, and-I just do it.
And so should you!
Good luck.
Copyright (c) 2008 At Peace With Food
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