What do these devices is simple: count the steps for registrationA movement of the body. You do not have to guess how many steps you have accumulated during the day. A pedometer can easily display this information to keep you on track for a goal to walk every day.
Here are three things to consider before buying a pedometer.
1) Features
also focused on the simplest device for measuring the traces and the distance. For your purposes (and budget) may be sufficient.
But some units offer additional, usefulCharacteristics. You can estimate the calories burned during the day to run. You can also buy a used GPS technology to track your exact speed and distance traveled.
Other units include control of pulse rate, which is useful for measurement, it is possible in your heart rate zone on foot. Some also have memory functions, so that your foot work during the week, the data can then upload to the computer and use it to chartTheir progress over time.
Think about the features you like best, and can go from there.
2) Accuracy
There is no cheap pedometer, inaccurate readings benefit to anyone. Typically, a cost model will use a spiral mechanism to measure your steps. These tend to under-or over-counting the steps of counting.
For best results, search for models that use a coil spring mechanism, or a piezoelectric accelerometer. omron Yamax are twoManufacturer for the manufacture of high precision and economic pedometers known.
3) Really
You need to wear the pedometer all day. It 'very important that you have a device that fits comfortably and will provide freedom of movement.
usually the speed and distance monitor use GPS to be worn on the wrist. ordinary step and distance counter can be placed in a pocket or clipped to your belt or bra - anywhere where the equipment is positioned to maintainperpendicular to the ground.
Be sure to be a step counter, the line also includes a security risk, as additional precautionary measure to try to prevent the loss.
I note with all these important points, that will be better integrated pedometer is your lifestyle and help you find your fitness goals everyday.
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