Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ten runner to buy gifts

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First of all, it's important to make note of a few items to "never" buy for runners. Top on the list is running shoes. The proper fit of a running shoe can't be stressed enough, and even if you happen to know your favorite runner's shoe size, it doesn't matter. All models of shoes are created with slight differences and some fit snugger than others even if they both happen to be size 9. A runner must be there in person to try on, walk, and possibly even go for a short run in the shoes before they are purchased. Hats also fall into the "don't buy" category. Runners like to pick out their own hats because a poor fitting hat can become irritating very quickly if it is too constricting or falls down over the runner's eyes. Probably the biggest dis-service you could do to a runner is to buy them an I-Pod so they can listen to music as they run. This is an extremely dangerous practice.

However, there are still many gift ideas that might be very helpful in developing the ability and adding to the comfort of a runner.

(1) There are many books on nutrition and diet on the market, but finding a well-written book on nutrition for athletes might take a bit of research but will be well worth the effort. Often the biggest mistakes many runners and other athletes make is to train their hearts out and than fail to nourish their bodies properly to compensate for the extra physical stress they are putting on themselves. Proper diet will improve strength, endurance, and most of all will help recover for workouts.

(2) Physical stress can lead to other issues as well and it's important for athletes to have balance in their lives. It would be very thoughtful and wise to buy your runner a membership to a Yoga class. For far too many years "inner balance" has been ignored and now even professional athletes of the highest caliber are introducing Yoga into their lives to rejuvenate their bodies after all the physical stress they impose on themselves.

(3) Consider purchasing your runner a book on heart monitor training. Dr. Phil Maffetone has the perfect book on heart monitor training and it is sure to add considerable insight into a new way for runners to look at training. Most runners have no idea of "pace" and how important it is once they decide to take up road racing. It is the absolute key to being a successful distance runner. By running too fast too soon runner's will burn up their glycogen stores quickly and hit the dreaded "wall." Heart monitor training teaches runner's how to burn fat as a opposed to carbohydrates and as a result stretch out their glycogen stores. This is one of the major key secrets to becoming a successful runner that few people are aware of.

(4) Once the book is purchased, choosing the perfect heart rate monitor is not as difficult as it may seem at first. Especially when you go into the local retail outlet and see all the choices staring you in the face. By purchasing a heart rate monitor for a runner you will be doing them a great service "if" you choose the right one. By that I mean, choose the most basic model. Often runners will be confused and spend far too much money on a monitor. So make the choice for them and they can always upgrade later if they choose. The monitor will come with a belt that is attached around the chest and a monitor that is worn on the wrist like a watch. When the runner puts on the belt, the monitor will display his heart-rate. To First, this is the only function that is really needed. It should cost less than $ 100. Lovers of the models of computer interface and dozens of settings of confusion. Not a good idea to start with intricate patterns.

(5) All too often the runners left for an extended period without any identification on his person. For a few dollars an identification bracelet can be purchased for a runner. May one day" title="save">save their lives. Often the runners at the end away from homeand remote areas. medical emergency may at any time that this might happen unconsciously. An identification bracelet can also be the bearer of the name, address, age, number of emergency, blood type, allergies and other important information that a great source of information for medical personnel would do.

(6) There are some in the older generation who have made a lifestyle of fitness to perform, but not all the temptations of this high-tech world we are givenlive in. This is an old racer in your life that could really use a phone to take on the slopes of the early morning. It may be his "running" is the phone that the "pay as you go" variety and is only used in emergencies. E 'to ensure peace of mind for everyone involved.

(7) For a fun "gift" of a pedometer is a unique idea. It boasts of a runner, like every step you make during the day to day management of their records. Somehow 6,000 steps than 3 kmcould be a runner, they feel even more impressive training.

(8) Most runners train in a messy and often do not follow a pattern of training. The purchase of a rider of a simple training log in the organization of their training days will be better. With the ability to access up to a week to plan ahead and leave in the short term, days, long days, and days off course. An event organized training model is a huge difference to make a correct developmentRunner's safe.

(9) Buying running jackets, shorts and briefs, tender, water bottle belt, and many other types of frames and aids are always helpful, but in today's market there is only so much variety there. If you preferred a feel for the style of your riders, why not a gift card in a store running? Most runners would be really grateful.

(10) do you know a runner in your life his heart to compete in a particular race, the crowdcoming months, why not buy them for their input? This would be a thought, wonderful gift because it shows that someone has a genuine interest in what they do and their incentives to form a bit 'more difficult.

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