Tuesday, January 25, 2011

4 tips for effective treadmill weight loss

Image : http://www.flickr.com

The following are 4 key factors that will help those looking to lose body fat utilizing a treadmill workout regimen. The treadmill can be a great tool for physical fitness which, if used correctly in conjunction with a good diet, ample rest, and plenty of fluids can produce outstanding results in a very reasonable time frame. The keys to weight loss are not mysterious nor elusive, in fact they are quite the opposite. Healthy weight loss can be achieved by consistently adhering to tried and true principles of exercise and nutrition. The following factors are merely a guide that if followed consistently can greatly increase the chances for good results.


Nutrition is the cornerstone to any weight loss program. In fact, a good diet will account for about 80% of an individual's success or failure when it comes to shedding body fat. The proper foods in the right combinations can make time spent on a treadmill extremely effective by setting up the body hormonally for weight loss. The key to this is to limit complex and simple sugars and to focus on eating lean protein and fibrous fruits and vegetables. Keeping carbohydrate intake to a minimum and increasing lean protein will create an environment that will literally force the body's metabolism into burning fat for fuel. This is because carbohydrate is the primary fuel source for working muscles. The body will always choose to burn carbohydrate over fat because of its ease in making it readily available energy. If a limited amount of carbohydrate is available through proper diet partitioning, the metabolism must increase the consumption of fat stores to meet the fuel demands of any given treadmill workout. By increasing protein intake, the ability to recover from work outs is increased and new muscle tissue may be created that in turn will require more calories and fuel.

Treadmill Workouts

Daily workouts on the treadmill are very strait forward and consist of more coherence than anything else. An individual needs to bring his or her heart rate up to between 55%-80% of it's max and keep it there for at least thirty minutes. Thirty minutes is the absolute the minimum required, but if physical activity is something new to the individual at book.com" title="hand">hand, it would be good to keep it light for a few weeks to condition the body and prepare it for more vigorous activity. Intervals, or small bouts of intense exercise every few minutes during the duration of time on a treadmill can really boost overall calorie consumption. For more advanced users, the incline can be raised to provide greater stress and faster results. The key is to raise the metabolic rate and keep it there for a length of time that really allows the body to dig deep into its fat stores and release energy for fuel. If the diet recommended above is followed, this can make way for a very effective work out routine.


The amount of water in an individual's system can have dramatic effects on it's ability to metabolize and burn body fat. Water is needed for nearly every single bodily function and weight loss is no different. Water helps shuttle fat from stores on the body to hard working muscle cells and also aides in the transportation of oxygen from the lungs. Water even works as an appetite suppressant that can help avoid overeating at a meal. Simply drink 8-12 onces before sitting down to eat and the amount of food consumed are often cut in half. Do not neglect this important nutrient in your weight loss program. Drinking more water also helps reduce water retention, stimulating the kidneys. Numerous studies have shown that a person is overweight, they should at least 1 cup of water to their daily intake for each add 25 pounds over their recommended size.


Studies have shown that not getting enough sleep actually inhibit the body's ability to burn fat. The reason for thissuccess, because sleep deprivation can lead to a hormonal imbalance that can throw your metabolism out of balance. As a result, the outputs of work significantly reduced and fat-burning are much less effective and can make the results much harder and longer to achieve. If an individual has the time and energy to work regularly and eat right as he or she is the best in every training session, they should strive to sleep a lot. 8 hours per night is the recommendedAmount of sleep by most experts. In recent years, however, the number has been reduced a bit 'and now many say that a lot of 6-8 hours. Whatever the case, very sure of rest during a physical training program to get there.

So there you have it. Four tips that if followed correctly aide to help in weight loss. Always consult your doctor before beginning strenuous fitness program and always be sure to make your time on the treadmill.

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