Monday, January 3, 2011

79 Ways to children Exercise - Indoors or outdoors

79 Ways to children Exercise - Indoors or outdoors

Spend their free time watching TV or playing video games? Two hours of television or video games per day should be your limit when you are healthy and strong and develop your creativity do. Here are some exercise ideas!

1. walk your dog

2. walk your neighbor's dog (with parental permission, and your neighbor, of course)

3. Kites can

4. Throw a Frisbee

5. Ask to take your parents or grandparentsAt a state park or other area where you can take a walk. In search of unusual plants, insects and animals and take samples or pictures for your class or the science show and tell

6. By Bike

7. Skate

8. If you have a garden, pick up sticks or trash

9. Pull weeds

10.Rake the yard or garden

11.Play bell tag 12.Play

13.Have a Hula Hoop contest and see who keep the tires as long as

to juggle 14.Learn

15.Jump make rope (boxersAnd look how strong and healthy they are!)

16.Visit 's, zoo amusement park or museum (lots of walking)

17.Wash car

18.Have each family member wear a pedometer and a daily challenge to see who steps to achieve the best. Loser to win tasks for the next day!

19.Shoot tires

20.Play Football

21.Play Softball

22.Play Badminton

23.Have a water balloon fight

24.Put costumes and go aroundSprinkler

(To monitor never without an adult!) 25.Go swimming

26.Give the dog a bath. The bigger the dog, you get more exercise!

27.Sign for a charity walk-a-thon with your parents, grandparents or other relatives. They will help to bring money for a good cause and in the form at the same time. If your city is not walk-a-thon, start one for your favorite charity

28.Do puppets

29.Do Push-up

30.Put on a video and a good exerciseworkout

31.Do Sit-up

32.Learn play golf or caddy for someone else

33.Play Tennis

34.Play Mini Golf

35.Go Bowling

36.Learn turn a wand

37.Take a class in martial arts and learn to defend themselves

38.Build A strong and play Cowboys and Indians

39.If you have a two-story house or a house with a basement, take the stairs out-of-place tag up or down one item at a time

40.Run vacuum

41.Wash window

Your 42.CleanRooms

43.ride your skateboard

44.Learn yoga, is in a class or a video


46.Have relay races with your friends or family

47.Play Touch Football

48.Learn Ballroom Dance

49.Learn Hip-Hop Dance

50.Take classes in ballet, jazz and tap dance

51.Join clogging and Irish step dance club

52.Learn play an instrument and the Marching band

53.Join a gym or a private healthCoach

54.Practice wheel affects the company

55.Walk on the beach and collect shells

56.Set an obstacle course in your backyard and practice faster and faster through the

57.Have a tug of war

58.Get many parents and children together and sack race with one leg

59.Learn water-skiing (again make sure you are under adult supervision at all times!)

60.Learn surfing (like the number 59)

61.Play Hockey

62.Climb or a jungle gymClimbing

63.Go horseback riding

64.Learn Gymnastics

65.Play Volleyball

66.Play Table Tennis

67.Use normal household items, and form a rhythm band. March around the house or the neighborhood to play your instruments

68.Pull your little brother or sister in the yard in a wagon

69.Play Croquet

70.Have a long jump competition with your friends and see who jumps farthest

71.In the winter you can skate;

72.Ski - bothDownhill or cross country skiing

73.Build a snowman

74.Build a fort white as snow and have a snowball fight

75.Go sledding

76.Shovel snow from the sidewalk or driveway

77.Take your dog out and play with the snow coming. Most dogs love the snow!

78.Take a walk in the snow, try to take a step back to your tracks all the way

Snow 79.Shovel someone else to go, or as a favor or to earn money

What are you waiting for children? Start moving!

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