Sunday, July 10, 2011

5 simple ways to help your family lose weight in 2008


If your family is overweight and at risk for obesity-related illnesses such as diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, etc., you may be able to make a big difference in their health with a few simple changes:

1. Turn off the TV. Many families turn on the TV as soon as they get up in the morning, and don’t turn it off until everyone goes to bed. Why live your lives through TV characters? Except for homework, limit your total “screen time” (TV, computer and video games) to no more than 2 hours a day, and use the remaining time to be active. You don’t necessarily have to play sports or work out, but take a walk, rake leaves, play with the dog, or just stay inside and clean house, put on some music and dance, have a pillow fight, etc. The main thing is to keep overweight kids and adults moving instead of being couch potatoes.

2. Make water your family’s beverage of choice. Too much juice, too many soft drinks, or too much beer can make everyone fat. There is no need to ban all other beverages from your life, just keep out of the house for special occasions - and even drink regular size instead of super-sized. Make sure that the juice is 100% natural, and a 6-ounce glass per day.

3 Limit fast food or pizza delivery once a week. I know you are tired after working all day or running the kids around is that all its activities, fast food, but a quick way to obesity in children. Cheeseburger,French fries and drinks with huge loads of calories and fat. You have your "fast food" with pre-washed, cut and packaged salad fruit and vegetables. Frozen crock pot dinners can be started in the morning, meat loaf, or other prepared meat dishes can be quickly cooked in the microwave. Frozen vegetables just a couple of minutes to cook. Sitting at the table to eat and get to know.

4 Make sure that all of you enough sleep. Studies have showncertain correlations between lack of sleep and obesity in children. Children need at least 9-11 hours, the adults usually need 7-8 hours. If you do not get enough sleep, you are often too tired to move, too dazed to concentrate at work or school and less likely to eat breakfast. Which brings me to point 5:

5 Let your breakfast! Forget donuts, toaster pastries and pre-sweetened cereals. Instead, one minute oatmeal or muesli, unsweetened first,together with a piece of fruit or some berries. Prepare hard boiled eggs while you clean up after dinner and refrigerate for a quick lunch. Natural peanut butter on toast or whole grain bread is quick and nutritious. Take a glass of nonfat milk going, and!

They do not even need to diet! Just make the changes mentioned above, and you will soon see a big difference in your health and weight of the whole family!

Programs for weight loss and other age-appropriate itemsoverweight children and adults, including 28 days of menu plans with 3 meals and 2 snacks per day with foods low in fat and low in sugar, see my website at http://www.grandmashealthykidsclub . com. I also offer books, pedometers, sports videos, and jump rope to get in shape in a healthy way!

Bev Gray, "grandmother" Grandma's Healthy Kids Club

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