Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Keeping a log helps performance on foot

Image : http://www.flickr.com

If you really want to track the progress of the fitness program, you record your activities in a daily log on foot. I made this to look back to see for many years and that helps a lot to be able to improve and in your abilities. I find it necessary to make sense, as I do, than my goals.

If you plan to participate in any race, especially the distance more like a marathon plan, then a logbook is essential for planning and following aTraining Plan. This will help ensure that you are properly prepared on race day.

What to record:

For walking basic measures of how much time has gone. Also note the distance if you know it. If you use a pedometer so you can capture the number of steps. I am often surprised by how many steps we take over an hour walk.

You can also see the path we went, the weather, companions, and all that I consider important. Their To be able to access your daily fitness diary become.

A walking log is also a good place to record your weight. Usually a weekly notation is sufficient. Test and record your weight at the same time, for example, every Saturday morning to avoid diurnal changes.

A pedometer really helps:

Why a pedometer if you want to go for a walk around the block? If you're curious was far away or how many calories you burned on these walks, then a> pedometer is a great help.

If you lose weight serious or just getting started in a better shape to try to use a pedometer. They do not cost much and there are several brands to choose from. While some other features are all basically the same ... Count your steps and calculate distance and calories burned. Once the length of the pitch, sort it out so you can see the sights and chatting with friends in a walksimultaneously.

You get what you are surprised, went on a day when you check the distance. Pedometers are easy to use and a logbook of your daily totals motivates them to do more steps would be taken daily and weekly. It 'was not long are you going up the stairs and walk to the shops instead of the elevator or car. Track distance and calories burned in the logbook, go on, day after day and you will see results of researchback at you in the mirror.

Log Sources:

You can submit your information online or on foot with a log normal.

Here are more resources you can check are:

Fitness Journal: http://www.fitnessjournal.org/ This is a comprehensive online fitness. You must register and pay a monthly fee.

"MyWalks" is a registered online for free. You only need to register and then you can keep track of your excursions on their website. You can choose whether yourRegistered walks private so that only you can view it, or publish them and all they see. The web address is http://walking.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm.

"Walking with Attitude" has a 12-week walk you sign up for free download at [http://www.walkingwithattitude.com/articles_public.php?section=article&id=39]

My favorite is just a 53-week walking logbook from Personal Logs.com. They produce their own log book with your name (and photo if you like)on the cover. Another positive aspect is that the log is dated and can start any month of the year. To learn more about http://www.personallogs.com/walkinglogs.php.

Copyright: Mike Stapenhurst, 2006

Recommend : Spirits USA Omron Pedometer reviews