Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pedometer Watches - What Should You Look For?

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If you're keen on keeping track of your fitness activity, especially your distance, time and number of steps, then sooner or later you'll end up thinking about a pedometer watch. Before you decide which one you're going to buy, here are a few things you should look for.

1. First of all, is it accurate enough for your needs? If you just need a rough guide, then your choice will be that much wider, but if you need an accurate reading, there are only a few pedometer watches you should shortlist.

2. What kind of sensor does it use? This is sort of related to the previous point because the newer technology is much more accurate. There are still pedometers about that use old technology - make sure you don't unwittingly get one of them. Look for a mention of accelerometer and you will be fine.

3. Can it tell the difference between running and walking? It might sound an obvious question, but make sure the pedometer watch you go for can actually distinguish between different types of exercise. The better models usually employ some sort of delay mechanism which detects a specific type of activity for a short period of time before it counts it.

4. Is the pedometer watch customizable? It's important that you can customize your pedometer watch so that it tracks your specific body type and movement style. If it also allows you to put in your weight, then that's even better. This information is used to calculate accurate distances and calorie burning.

5. Can it store enough information? It's unlikely you're going to use it for one day and then not need the information it collects again. If you're a keen walker or runner you'll almost certainly be keeping track of your performance over the course of several days, weeks or months. Check your pedometer watch can store at least the amount of information you need to work out how much you are improving.

Although that's not all you need to consider when looking at pedometer watches, it covers the main topics. Of course you'll also want to shop around and make sure you're getting the best price, and don't forget to check for any special offers and deals.

Personally, I've all but stopped using a normal pedometer. It's not that there's anything really wrong with them, but I've found the convenience of a pedometer watch, especially if it comes with a normal time function, has got me well and truly hooked. I think you'll be hooked too.

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Yamax Digi-Walker Power Walker 3D Sensor Pedometer

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Introducing the NEW Just Released Yamax Digi-Walker 3 Directions accelerometer sensor pedometer.

Don't be fooled by the name - this pedometer is not just for the Power
Walker, it's also the perfect partner if you are just starting a health program!

This is a very different pedometer than any pedometer you may have already
used. The Yamax Power Walker uses a 3D acceleration sensor and does not use the
usual pendulum mechanism. (no more annoying clicking noises!)

What is an acceleration sensor?

Even though the use of an acceleration sensor may be new to a pedometer - it
is certainly not a new invention - many of us may be using it now...Check out
the following paragraph to understand the most common

Accelerometer Usage
The most significant use of accelerometers
is in the deployment of vehicular airbags, which are designed to trigger when
the accelerometer determines that the vehicle's rate of speed has significantly
dropped off. In a similar vein, accelerometers can be used to switch on special
braking systems when a vehicle appears to be spinning or tilting out of control.

Accelerometers are also commonly used to protect fragile pieces of equipment.
Vehicles can use the information provided by accelerometers to reduce strain on
their internal workings when going over bumpy or windy roads, and many laptop
computers are now equipped with sensors which take protective physical measures
(such as sealing off the" title="hard drive">hard drive) to mitigate the damage if they detect that
the computer has been dropped.

Sourced from []

Back to
the Yamax Power Walker 3D Pedometer...

This pedometer has some incredible features such

Speed - it measures the speed covered while walking or
Power Walking - The sensor knows when you are
'working out' at a higher intensity and then measures the number of steps and
calculates the burned fat weight during that intensity!
7 day
- How good is that!
Activity time -
Measures the time covered whilst walking or jogging!

Plus of course all the normal features such as
Step counter, distance, calories etc
For the full table of functions click

You can't go wrong with this pedometer - it's easy to use and gives you
plenty of information!

Who I would recommend purchase this type of Power
Walker pedometer...

A great pedometer if you are overweight (tummy hanging over your waistband)
and struggle to keep a normal pedometer on your belt in the correct
If you are an exerciser and like to see the fat burnt, time
taken as well as your aerobic steps and daily steps separated.
If you don't
like wearing a pedometer on your waistband.
If you are enjoy tracking
results about your fitness/weight loss than the Power Walker is definitely worth
the few extra dollars!

A quick note...

You must
break away from traditional thinking when using this pedometer

You do not wear it on your waistband!
You can place it in...
Your top
Trouser pocket (not back pocket as you may damage it)
In your
Or wear around the neck (the instructions don't say this - but I
have tested it around the neck and its works just as good!
All these methods
will produce an accurate step reading.

Happy walking!

Kate Crosby
Founder Walk with Attitude

Salad Spinner Reviews

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Walk Your Way to Weight Loss and a New You

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Perhaps you need to lose some weight and not really looking forward to joining a health club. Or you are not interested in running or biking and not really looking into killing yourself on a daily basis. Well, a good option alternative to high impact, high endurance exercise is walking.

Walking is Natural for Everyone

We walk every day and it's easy, doesn't take a lot of expensive equipment just some comfortable shoes really and off you go. Walking is by far the easiest and most popular form of exercise out there. Yes, it's a slower way to fitness but by far, it is the safest way to physical fitness. It's like the story of the tortoise and the hare. It may be slower but you avoid injury.

The Many Health Benefits of Walking

You may be surprised to discover all the health benefits, which come from walking. To give you an idea:

Walking lowers your risk of diabetes and also helps you manage type 2 diabetes.
Walking also helps to lower your blood pressure
You can lose weight or manage your weight.

High intensity, high frequency walking (30 minutes 5 to 7 days a week at 65% to 75% of maximum heart rate) has been shown to greatly improve aerobic fitness.

How to Get Started Walking Your Way to Health

To get started on a walking program you really want to get started on the right foot lol. Ok, seriously though. Certain basic equipment helps.

You will need to get a good pair of shoes. A good pair of shoes can help you avoid getting blisters and muscle soreness.
Of course, comfortable clothing is a given.
A pedometer is also handy. It will help you measure your progress. pedometers can provide motivation, as well. You can start by walking 10,000 steps a day. If it's too low a goal of course set it higher.

The great thing about walking, you can walk anywhere at any time: malls, parks, neighborhoods. If you get tired of the same ole same, just change it up and find a new place to go for a walk. You are likely to discover new places, new friends, and a new you.

While the right shoes and clothes make it easier, all you really need to do is get off your duff and open the front door. Be careful though, once you let your feet start moving, you never know where they might take you.

Chocolate Gold Coins

Monday, June 14, 2010

Differences Between Piezoelectric and Spring-Levered Pedometers

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When shopping for a Digital pedometer, you may come across either a Piezoelectric pedometer or a Spring Levered pedometer. You may wonder what are the differences between the two, this article will explain to you in details.

1. Sensitivity

A Piezoelectric pedometer tends to be more sensitive compared to a Spring Levered one at a slower speed. Hence if you are an individual who prefers to walk slowly, this type will suit you better since the accuracy of your step counting results is better.

2. Position Dependency

A Spring Levered Pedometer is more position dependent compared to a Piezoelectric one. A tilt of the pedometer might affect the performance of a Spring Levered one. Hence if you are an over-weight individual with excess abdominal fat, wearing a Spring Levered one around your waist may affect its accuracy as much as 20% at fast speed and 60% at slow speed, if it tilt forward into the horizontal plane.

On the other hand, a Piezoelectric Pedometer may not have this tilt error unless at its slowest speed of less than 2 mph with an accuracy error of below 10%.

Understanding the differences between the two is essential especially if you are beginner to using to using a pedometer and accuracy is important to you. When choosing one, I would always recommend a simple one as my experience tells me that it will be more reliable with lesser accuracy errors.

Digital Pedometer Dot Com is your comprehensive guide to teach you everything you need to learn, know and educate yourself about one.

Back Massagers Reviews

Friday, June 11, 2010

Cardio Exercise Secrets - Don't Be a Hamster Running in a Wheel

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Have you ever been told to do 30 minutes of treadmill 3 or 4 times a week? Sounds like good cardio exercise advice, right? Wrong! There is a secret you need to know about.

If you want to lose weight and increase your fitness, you need to approach your cardio exercise very differently.

Recent scientific research has shown that your body will respond much better to a pattern of variable exercises. You know: flat out for a short burst, followed by a period of recovery.

Just think about it for a minute. Do you know of any animal that goes on long distance endurance running? No - man is the only "animal" that puts his body through such punishment.

Most animals experience short bursts of high energy exertion, followed by intervals of rest. They are either chasing their prey or they are running away from their attackers. So, in terms of exercise, the whole evolutionary track for mammals seems to focus on variable exertion as the norm.

Well, the recent discoveries show that you can actually do yourself some harm if you go in for too much steady, continuous, cardio exercise. Not only is it boring, but it can actually weaken your joints over time because of the constant repetitive stress. As your legs are going thump, thump, thump, thump, in constant rhythm, the stress tends to build up in the joints. This does not happen with variable exercise, where there are periods of recovery scattered throughout the exercise routine.

Not only that, but the research has shown that long term continuous exercise of this nature (say, more than 60 minutes on a treadmill) can actually reduce the immune function of the body. What it amounts to is that steady long term repetitive exercise is not natural to the body. Therefore, it is not effective in improving fitness.

By contrast, highly variable, stop-go types exercise can have a very positive effect on your fitness level. As an example, in using a treadmill, keep varying the speed and load every few minutes. Make it so that you spend, say, one or two minutes at high speed and load, followed by 3 or 4 minutes at a much slower speed and load. Repeat this at an even higher speed and load for another one or two minutes, and so on.

If you run or jog, don't do your whole trip at a constant rate. After you have warmed up, do short bursts flat out, followed by intervals of slow jogging, or even walking.

This highly variable cardio exercise has been linked to the increased production of anti-oxidants, which can greatly improve your immune system. It will also encourage a healthier cardio vascular system and actually increase the metabolic rate. This means that your heart will be in better shape and you will burn more fat.

And that's what it's all about, right?

Finishing Sander

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Best Omron Pedometer - HJ-112 Versus Omron HJ-113

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The debate about the differences between the omron HJ-112 and the omron HJ-113 pedometers has been raging on the Internet, but no one seems to have done the research to intelligently resolve what the differences are.

The HJ-112 is considered by most consumers to be the best pedometer available today. It is highly rated by Consumer Reports and is the best selling pedometer on Amazon However, very few people have heard of the HJ-113.

The omron HJ-113 is a very capable pedometer that offers virtually all of the features of the HJ-112 plus a few additional features.

When you first look at the two units, you notice that the HJ-112 has four function buttons to three for the HJ-113. The extra button on the 112 is the "Reset" button. They both have a memory button, but on the HJ-112, it is labeled "Memory" and on the HJ-113 it is labeled "Memo".

The "Reset" button on the HJ-112 allows the user to reset the current day data to zero. However, the downside of this action is that the data for the day up to the point of reset is lost from the history for the day and forever. The HJ-113 does not allow this reset.

To compare specifications of each unit, go to the omron website for the particular pedometer and read the instruction manual. The manuals are available in PDF format for easy downloading. Each manual contains a specifications page that details the specifications and capabilities of the unit.

The most noticeable difference is the shape of the two units. The HJ-112 is more oval shaped than the HJ-113. They are both the same thickness (5/8 inch). The HJ-112 weighs 0.11 ounces more than the HJ-113 with battery included.

The Omron HJ-113 calculates the grams of fat burned during exercise and the HJ-112 does not.

One of the myths on the Internet is that the HJ-113 is a metric pedometer. The Omron specifications for this pedometer show that it is based on English units of measure.

The amazing thing is the Omron HJ-113 is an unknown pedometer. Yet, it has virtually the same capabilities as the more popular HJ-112 and it sells for about three dollars less on

For a more detailed analysis, and to see the specification charts for these two pedometers, refer to the resource information at the end of this article.

Mustache and Beard Trimmer

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

iPod Nano 5G unboxing

OnTheAnimati's iPod Nano Silver5G(5th Generation) unboxing video. The iPod Nano Silver 5G should come with: iPod Nano, earphones, USB 2.0 cable. The addition to the iPod from iPod Nano 4G to 5G is bigger screen, video camera, FM Radio support, live pause, pedometer, voice memo.

Inflatable Canoe Review Super Scrabble Deluxe

Monday, June 7, 2010

Obesity In America

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There is a battle being fought in America. A battle that currently we are not winning. Obesity
in America is an issue that requires some drastic changes to not necessarily our lives but
mainly our lifestyle habits. If obesity in America is to be conquered we all must ask for
changes to be made.

Is lifestyle the Cause?

Lets look at the reasons obesity in America is such a problem. One of them is our insatiable
desire for food, not just to sustain us but to make us feel better. Food has become a crutch
that many use to feel that all is okay in their lives. If we eat we create that wonderful glow
that comes from feeling full. And don't the fast food outlets know this. It is just too easy to
pop down the road and buy a burger, and to make matters worse we don't need to even get out of
the car, therefore reducing the physical activity needed to burn off those calories.

You can see how obesity in America is on the rise, and child obesity from fast food plus the work habits of most Americans has
changed. We just were not made to be sitting on our behinds all day with the only thing moving
being our eyes and fingers. Obesity can be created far more easily than it can be destroyed.

Overseas habits are different from ours. For instance if traveling from place to place is needed
and the distance is not far they would walk there. Americans would drive to the corner block if
required and then only if it can't be delivered. To be serious though, this attitude is what is
killing many of our countrymen and women every day, and we need to do something about it or
obesity in America is here to stay, and probably get far worse.

What can be Done about Obesity in America?

First of all we need to be making the public more aware of the problem by increasing the
knowledge of society towards obesity. Possibly there could be better labeling of products to
inform the diner as to the implications of eating certain products, regardless of how it tastes.

There should be increased education in our schools where child obesity from fast food
is born. Americans have shown in the past that they can and will take action if they are given the tools to do so. Eateries and restaurants need to be aware of their responsibility to their customers and make attempts to provide good tasting healthy food.

Exercise is another way to lower obesity in America. Start by hiding that TV remote control to
make you get up and change the channel. Walk to the corner store. Climb that flight of stairs
instead of catching the elevator. By a pedometer and just see how you can increase those steps
each day and by doing so you will be eating up those calories. If we all do a little bit more
each day obesity in America and all that child obesity from fast food will be on the decline and that my friend will benefit all of society not just the individual.

Baby Sling Reviews

Saturday, June 5, 2010

fit 4 kids nbz

Fit 4 kids has created the first ever pedometer for kids called Pedz. Pedz interacts with your child both on the field and on line. Get your kids out there!

Kids Bedding Canopy Enuresis Alarm

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tips for Choosing Gym Quality Fitness Equipment for Your Home Use

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If you've been to health clubs and gyms before, you must have admired a few fitness equipment that have worked so well with your fitness routine. Now that you're ready to invest in some serious exercise routine from your home, you're probably wondering where to find gym-quality home fitness equipment.

If you're a little bit confused, you're not alone. With so many home fitness equipment that claim to be the best alternative to gym quality fitness machines, it's easy to get lost in the choices. But with a little patience and some research, you'll find the perfect home fitness equipment that is the best for your fitness needs. Here's how:

Know your fitness goals

One of the biggest mistakes you could ever make is to buy the biggest, meanest gym quality fitness equipment monster there is simply because it's the best looking one in the store. The truth is, picking a home fitness equipment is like picking a partner to marry. What could be perfect for one could be disastrous for another.

Keep your fitness goals in mind when shopping for a home fitness equipment. Take note of the physical activities you enjoy doing. For example, if you're only trying to shed a few pounds and like hiking, a treadmill is the obvious choice. If you want to burn calories and target your lower body for toning, a stationary bike will fit your needs perfectly. Don't buy more fitness equipment than you need or they'll just end up gathering dust in a corner of your house.

Quality comes with a price

Gym quality home fitness equipment is not cheap and there's a reason why they come with a high price tag. They are built to last and withstand the constant wear-and-tear they will be put under with regular use. For gym equipment to survive this much punishment, it has to be made with the toughest materials and pass stringent manufacturing specifications.

If you're serious about getting fit using home gym equipment, then you probably have set aside a budget for it. Depending on your need, you will have a choice of gym quality home fitness equipment that starts at a reasonable $500 or you can go for the high-end home equipment that is priced at over $3000.

If your budget is at the range of a few hundred dollars, there is still a way to keep fit. Invest in several weights, a step trainer and a few workout videos. These will help you get started on a home fitness routine without the big machines.

However, while this alternative is cheaper, it does not offer the same fitness challenge that gym quality fitness equipment can. Once you get used to the exercise routine, you either have to up the challenge by purchasing new videos or just give up and get yourself a brand new fitness machine.

Go with the rave reviews

If there's a gym equipment that you like, you can try to find a duplicate for home use at many fitness stores. Many health club fitness equipment manufacturers develop machines for home use that are gym quality as well. So if a particular brand suits you fine, you might try to get its home edition equipment not only for its familiarity but also for the assurance of quality it offers.

Ask your gym instructor for recommendations or your friends for gym equipment reviews. Do your research over the internet or in fitness magazines and find the best home fitness equipment that will suit your taste and budget. Don't purchase fitness equipment sight-unseen, even if it claims to be gym quality. Many complaints about the performance of the machine do not appear until after you've test-run it for at least 20 minutes.

Try out the fitness equipment to see how you will perform. If it has a high learning curve, you probably will lose the motivation to use it. What looks effortless on TV may be very difficult to execute during actual use. Don't be carried away with hard selling or clever marketing ploys. If a manufacturer claims that their home fitness product is gym quality, you should be the best judge of that, no one else.

Getting gym quality home fitness equipment is a true assignment for any health buff or health buff-to-be. Arm yourself with the right kind of information and shop around for the features that you know you will be making use of. Furthermore, once you buy a home fitness equipment, make sure to put it to good use. If it's a gym-quality machine, it deserves to be treated as such.

For more information now go to:, or

Baby Sling Reviews Salad Spinner Reviews

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New iPod Nano Video Test Great Quality 09/09/09

so this is a video i shoot with the new ipod nano i love the quality is almost HD im gonna do a video of the unboxing and more details about it and more video test im gonna upload a video without editing a raw file later on please subscribe for more info Apple on Wednesday unveiled the new iPod nano, adding a video camera, mic and speaker to the popular music player. Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduced the new product at the "Rock and Roll" event held in Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. It is Jobs' first appearance at such product launch event since he had a liver transplant in spring. Users can instantly watch the video they shoot with the iPod nano's display and speaker, and they can also sync the music player with computers and share them on the internet, Jobs introduced. According to Apple's press release, the new iPod nano also features an ultra-thin and sleek design with a larger 2.2-inch color display, as well as a built-in FM radio and pedometer. Also at the event, Apple introduced new iTunes 9, enabling users to better manage and organize applications they get for the iPhone and iPod Touch from the iTunes store. A new lineup of iPod Touch was also introduced. Hours before the much anticipated event, Apple also slashed the prices of its iPod models. The price of the basic iPod shuffle now starts at 59 US dollars. Since the original iPod debuted in 2001, Apple has been refreshing the music player's lineup in September to gear up for the holiday ...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fitness Monitors: Basic Pedometer Demonstration

A pedometer is used to state the number of steps that you and the measured distance. Learn how to use a pedometer withhealth exercise tips from fitness instructor in this free video monitors fitness. Expert: ShaNay Norvell Contact: Bio: ShaNay Norvell, a top personal trainer and fitness competitor based in Atlanta, GA, uses her positive energy and natural abilities to help the motivation to take their next level of customers Fitness. Filmmaker: Nicole Bentley

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A equals A Healthy Diet Healthy Weight Loss - Start Today with appropriate diet and exercise program Fantastic

Autumn is a period of so beautiful. It 's my favorite time of year. Case when the air got in and the leaves are turning in their Ynippy range of beautiful colors. I love my dogs and go for a walk. Autumn is a great time to start your health and fitness plan. Finally, it is a good time to exercise ... such as walking. There are wonderful local vegetables and fruits. Autumn is the perfect time for a healthy diet, which naturally leads to a healthy startWeight loss.

Tip: Organic foods have been shown to contain more cancer-fighting antioxidants. Pesticides can be used on food hamper normal growth of antioxidants.

Tip: obese pregnant mothers expect their children to an increased risk of cardiac abnormalities. Love Tip: These cakes are ... Use Splenda. You can cook and bake with it.

Tip: Try again, a park or nature reserve with the hills. Look for a will in the neighborhood where you live and make it a habit to 2-3 timesa week. hill walking is great exercise and you must go to the bonus of the fall landscape with walking. Of course, if you have dogs, which makes it even better.

Here are some tips for walking the road to a more healthy weight loss. Get off the bus one stop before the finish line. - Go up the stairs - walk to the store when you go a bit 'smaller for - get a pedometer. They are not expensive and will help you keep yourProgress

Fall harvest of fruits to eat the fruit, the harvest is our position. Apples Bananas Clementines Cranberries Grapes Grapefruit Kiwi Kumquats Oranges Pears Persimmons Pomegranates Quinces mandarin oranges, Satsuma mandarins

Do not forget "apple a day keeps the doctor away" Try the many varieties of apples available. Macintosh - this apple is better for the empire food - ideal for bakery Cortland - one for the entire Apple used both for food and cooking-Granny Smith - use for both food and cooking-Fuji - use for both eating and cooking-Red Delicious apple - golden delicious meal - used for both eating and cooking apples lady - poaching try this apple

Local Harvest vegetables Again, local food crop. Avocados Beans Beets Bok Choy Broccoli Broccoli Rabe Brussels sprouts cabbage carrots cauliflower celery (celeriac), Chestnut Garlic cabbage salad of Jerusalem artichokes Kale LeeksParsnips rutabaga pumpkin jackdaws Salsify Spinach Squash (Winter), sweet potatoes chard turnips watercress

All you need is the name of vegetable or fruit and the word "recipe" into Google search bar and voila, you have your choice of recipes. Choose a healthy recipe and you're on your way. Netbook Outlet Sale USA